
Policy for User Generated Content

To conform to User Generated Content Guideline by Google, we provide following features.

Requires users accept the app’s terms of use and/or user policy before users can create or upload UGC; When you sign-in to the app at the first time, the following screen will be displayed and require agreement with the term of uses.

<img src= width=300>

Defines objectionable content and behaviors (in a way that complies with Google Play Developer Program Policies), and prohibits them in the app’s terms of use or user policies; We defines objectionable content and behaviors in our terms of service and all users must follow it.

Conducts UGC moderation, as is reasonable and consistent with the type of UGC hosted by the app; We are monitoring all uploaded contents in the app 24/365 based on user reports and patrols. If we found objectionable contents or behavior, we provide appropriate actions to them.

In the case of augmented reality (AR) apps, UGC moderation (including the in-app reporting system) must account for both objectionable AR UGC (e.g., a sexually explicit AR image) and sensitive AR anchoring location (e.g., AR content anchored to a restricted area, such as a military base, or a private property where AR anchoring may cause issues for the property owner). N/A

Provides an in-app system for reporting objectionable UGC and users, and takes action against that UGC and/or user where appropriate; Provides an in-app system for blocking UGC and users;

We are providing in-app reporting / blocking system to all user content’s page.

<img src= width=300> <img src= width=300>

Provides safeguards to prevent in-app monetization from encouraging objectionable user behavior. TBD